Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pictures of prize yarn

Happy Tuesday everyone! Yesterday was quite a day at work! It was so busy and I missed the sneak up from the Loopy Ewe! Oh, well. I am sure that my husband is happy that we missed it, especially since we really don't have the money for it and I have plenty of sock yarn! Anyway, here are the pictures of the yarn that I am giving away and there are progress pictures of the Dream in Color shrug (which I seamed up last night). You can really see how beautiful the colors are in these pictures! Also, there is a picture of my father with Zachary. Zachary was very happy to see his grandfather. I haven't heard from the winners yet, but no biggie, I am sure that I will hear from them soon. Maybe I should email them? Here are the names again: Jana from White Oak Studio - with a correct guess!, Pam with a very close guess of 187 and Anna with another very close guess of 198. As soon as I have your mailing addresses, I will send out your yarn. Oh, by the way, did anyone check out the new and returning colorways from blue moon! Rocktober and Panzanite are my favorites and may end up in my stash! Count Cluckula, Hard Rock and Pirates Booty are also on my radar!

1 comment:

white oak studio said...

Hi Belinda!

I send you my address today so look for email from me! I'm so excited, my first Yarn Pirate yarn!

Jana of White Oak Studio