Happy Friday to all. I am so dead tired from work last night! I had to prepare three sets of closing documents for a closing to help an attorney that I don't even work for! It was quite hectic as he was heading for the airport to catch a flight that night to close the three deals the next morning at 9:00 am. I had to be very detail oriented and very conscious of each part of the deal because if I messed anything up, he would have no one with him to assist in fixing it. No pressure or anything! I also had to run to fed ex by 8:00 p.m., then come back to work to finish up. Luckily, he called and everything is fine, so that makes me happy. Of course, my boss is a little annoyed because I couldn't get the work done that I need to work on for his closing today, but I was able to finish it first thing this morning. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I will be finishing up on the socks for Kimmie's bun in the oven and starting to work on the cardigan. My husband will be going away to Disney next weekend. I am happy for him, but I will miss him terribly. He is a great guy and I really don't deserve him! I have no new knitting pictures, but will leave you with some pictures of me, Zach and my wonderful hubby!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Pictures of prize yarn
Happy Tuesday everyone! Yesterday was quite a day at work! It was so busy and I missed the sneak up from the Loopy Ewe! Oh, well. I am sure that my husband is happy that we missed it, especially since we really don't have the money for it and I have plenty of sock yarn! Anyway, here are the pictures of the yarn that I am giving away and there are progress pictures of the Dream in Color shrug (which I seamed up last night). You can really see how beautiful the colors are in these pictures! Also, there is a picture of my father with Zachary. Zachary was very happy to see his grandfather. I haven't heard from the winners yet, but no biggie, I am sure that I will hear from them soon. Maybe I should email them? Here are the names again: Jana from White Oak Studio - with a correct guess!, Pam with a very close guess of 187 and Anna with another very close guess of 198. As soon as I have your mailing addresses, I will send out your yarn. Oh, by the way, did anyone check out the new and returning colorways from blue moon! Rocktober and Panzanite are my favorites and may end up in my stash! Count Cluckula, Hard Rock and Pirates Booty are also on my radar!
Monday, September 24, 2007
And the winners are...
Good Morning all! I had very nice weekend! I hope everyone else has as well! I am so excited to annouce that there are three winners in the contest! One person actually guessed the correct answer! I couldn't believe it! I am never that lucky! This is one lucky person! She will be receiving a skein of Yarn Pirate in the second colorway from the Booty Club that will never be reproduced! The second person who came very close to having the right answer will receive a rockin' sock club colorway that will not be available until next year in the Walking on the Wild Tide colorway in Silkie yarn. The third person who came very close to having the right answer will receive a skein of Perchance to Knit in the Irises colorway. All three of these colorways actually have some similar colors (purple, green, some yellow). True to form and the fact that it is Monday, I totally forgot to bring my camera to work today, so I can't show the pictures that I took of the yarn that is being given away. I will put that up on the blog tomorrow. On the knitting front, I am very close to finishing with the Dream in Color Shrug. I just need to seam a bit and knit the edging. I want to get this done as soon as possible as I have a bunch of other items to knit! Specifically, baby items for my husband's cousin, which I need to finish in two weeks! Yikes! Here is the progress on the hat and socks that I am so close to completing. I will also be making a cardigan from the top down, which I haven't even started yet! Hopefully, it won't take too long! I guess I should mention the amount of sock yarn that I have. I never really wanted to do this. Here it goes: 191 skeins of fabulous sock yarn! My husband has just fainted! Sorry, sweetie. If it's any consolation, I am making all of our Christmas gifts with that yarn! The winners are: Jana from White Oak Studio - with a correct guess!, Pam with a very close guess of 187 and Anna with another very close guess of 198. Ladies, please email me your address and I will mail your yarn to you tomorrow. My email address is: belinda3396@yahoo.com Thanks to everyone for playing and do not dispair, there will be another contest in October!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Contest is closed...
The contest is closed. There were some great entries and a one that was dead on! Dead on meaning that I will probably be dead after my husband reads this and when I annouce the winner on Monday (I know, I hate waiting too!) telling everyone exactly how many skeins I actually own in sock yarn. I also have quite a bit of other sized yarn as well, but let's not get ahead of ourselves! My boss told me to leave so, I am so out a here! To prove it, here I am on the road...and look it's a tourist (Ohio plates), or what we like to call around here the changing of the season! It is the only real way to tell if it is fall around here by how many out of town plates you can find on the road!!!! Have a great weekend, Happy Knitting and check me out on Monday morning for annoucement of the winners. Yes, I said winners! I couldn't just give out a prize to one person, so there will be two other winners selected.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Contest Underway!
Okay, here it is. I decided it would be fun to find out how much sock yarn do I really have? I have to say, I really had no idea how much I had. It doesn't look like so much, but there is quite a bit! Though, I think that I could eventually use up all of this yarn, it wouldn't be easy and socks would be what I was making for a long, long time. On with the game...I have all of my sock yarn tucked away in various places of one room, which are pictured above (some pictures are just close ups showing each basket and/or bag). It is our third bedroom, play room, yarn room and christmas decoration storage room. I have counted all of the yarn in this room, plus one ball of yarn in a bag (socks to be completed for my mother in law - Valerie) and one work in progress (as shown in a previous post), so HOW MUCH SOCK YARN IS HERE (# of skeins)? Leave your guess by commenting to this entry. The contest will end Friday, 4:30 pm EST. What is the prize? A free skein of sock yarn from one of these amazing dyers: Zen String, Yarn Pirate, Perchance to Knit, Scout, Blue Moon and Lavender Sheep. Good Luck everyone!
P.S. Can you believe that I am actually going to tell the world and (specifically my husband) how much sock yarn I really have? What was I thinking? Maybe he won't notice when I make the annoucement on Friday?
Work in Progress from the Weekend!
This is the Dream in Color Shrug that many of you have seen on the internet KAL. At least, I have seen it, maybe some of you haven't. Anyway, it was a lazy and relaxing Sunday. Here are some pictures that I took throughout the day of my WIP (knit with Dream in Color worsted in the colorway Chinatown Apple). It is a really beautiful colorway. Also, there is my son relaxing and watching Fraggle Rock (DVD) and wearing the socks that he stole from me (only he is allowed to do that!). Lastly, do not fret as I know that you have been sleepless, waiting, panic stricken about the contest today! I really know that all you care about is the sock club package - me too!. As promised, there will be a contest that I will tell everyone about it later today. FYI - the bottom picture has the best color representation. Contest in the afternoon!
Top of the Morning and frequent shopper pictures!
Good Morning! I am so excited! I received my woolgirl sock club package! Yippee! There are so many wonderful things in it! I do not know how she can put so many wonderful things in the package and keep the cost down? Thank you Jen so much for everything. I will not post a picture of the sock club shipment, however, I am going to post a picture of something else....something just as exciting. Some of you may already have this, some may not. Woolgirl is such a great store and has wonderful yarns, accessories, etc. Woolgirl also has a frequent shopper program. If you place 7 orders with them, you will receive a fun welcome kit, plus early updates on special events, etc. Seriously, It is so worth it! I use the bag everyday!! Check it out!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Knitting away on a Sunday afternoon...
I have had a wonderful morning so far knitting away and watching re-runs of Knitty Gritty! I have gotten pretty far on my shrug. Not to worry, I have taken pictures which I will put up on Monday for your viewing pleasure. Also, there will be a contest on Monday, so get your thinking caps on, roll yourself in a field of four leaf clovers and rub a beer bellied man for good luck! Stay tuned!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
No package received on Friday
But I am not terribly sad, sniff, sniff. I know that my package will be at work Monday waiting for me so that makes me very happy! It is also great to hear how wonderful the package is from other sock club members who have gotten theirs already! My husband is out getting some groceries. Zachary and I have just watched Hookwinked, a very cute movie that did not do well at the box office. During the movie, I started on a new project. The Dream in Color Shrug using two skeins of Dream in Color worsted (colorway Chinatown Apple ). I love the yarn! It feels great and the color is a gorgeous red/brown/very muted green. It has so many varied colors in, but they are all muted, just gorgeous! I needed to make something that I could wear at work if I get cold. The office is kept ridiculously cold! My gauge swatch using the suggested needle size of 8 was just a bit too small so I decided to go up to a size 9, especially since I am making a modification to the pattern to knit the ribbing in the round. I hate to seam anything! I will show pictures on Monday. This computer at home is driving me crazy. It won't let me add anything to this post!
Friday, September 14, 2007

Our receptionist will be going down to get the mail at 3:30 and I am very hopeful that I have some packages, namely - Woolgirl Sock Club! I will not be posting anything that comes in the package until later next week. I don't want to spoil anyone's surprise! On to more pictures, while I eagerly await my sock club shipment! Here is a picture of my son wearing socks that I made for myself that he took for his own. Sport weight socks knit with Sweet Georgia colorway fondant pattern is from the 25 favorite socks book. Luckily, he and a I basically have the same sock size!
It's Picture Day!

Well, I finally got my pictures on the computer. Yippee! I have actually about 100 pictures, not just of knitting (such a surprise!, really all I want to do is knit). I have many family photos, however, I think that I will stick to knitting for today. Here is a picture of my one of my many works in progress which is the current rockin sock club shipment (love the pattern!), but a different colorway than what was contained in the shipment. Does anyone know what colorway that is? (check out the stitch marker, from my favorite place!). I love her so!!! (I know way too many exclamation points, but hey, she is worth it!
Happy Friday!
I am so excited that it is Friday! I am also very happy as I have the camera!! Yeah! I took some pictures yesterday and brought the camera with me to work. I will be attempting to post some pictures later today. I am very excited! I might even be receving my sock club package from Woolgirl today! I am hopeful! My husband is home today (so jealous)! I actually came into work late this morning. I really wanted to call in, but unfortunately, if I am not here nothing gets done. Can you imagine that? I hate being that needed! The weather is finally turning better and from the view that I have, I can see the ocean. It is really hard to come into to work everyday with that kind of view! All I would have to do is drive 1/2 mile or so and I am at the ocean! Oh, well. I do have work to do so I am going for now, but I will be back later with pictures (if all goes well)! Do I use enough exclamation points, or what?
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Yes, my husband actually commented on my blog!

He really is a super sweet guy. I love him dearly (and he is monitoring everything I write - help me!) JUST KIDDING, or AM I!!?? No, seriously, he really is a sweet guy! Here is a picture of us in Boynton Beach at his uncle's condo on the intracoastal (the Godfather - they are very italian - exactly like any typical italian movie that you've seen minus the drugs and murder sprees) . It is really gorgeous there. Thank you Jen and Patty for leaving comments, I really appreciate it. I can't wait to get my pictures going and I was thinking that maybe a "how many skeins contest - just socks" would be a better contest than who dyed this skein contest. I saw that another blogger did that and it sounds like a good idea, that way I could have more than one winner. I am still deciding. At least I will have some knitting pictures up soon! Hopefully tomorrow. It is so nice that my boss is gone. Of course, he left me tons of work to do! UGH! How dare he expect me to work? Can't I just collect a paycheck? By the way, my breasts are real and they are spectacular! No, not really, without the bra, they are hanging to my knees!
Woolgirl Sock Club Packages!
I just checked the blog and the packages are on their way! I am so excited! I have to get the camera from my husband tonight, just in case the package comes in tomorrow! Also, he needs to show me how to use the camera and download pictures! I really hope he reads this so he can remind me! The only things I can remember are yarn related, wonder why that is????
Smell like a wet dog!
First of all I have to say thank you to BJ for leaving my first comment! I would vote for Yarn Pirate too as my favorite - she is amazing! Thank you so much! This blog was super easy to make! Now on to the wet dog! There is no school here in Broward County for Rosh Hashanah (translation - jewish New Year). My boss is jewish so he will not be in today and will be late coming in tomorrow (Double YEAH!) I ended up going to work early so I could get some work done (i.e. goof off all morning and still get my regular work done). I stop at Starbucks, get a Chai Tea Latte (with sugar free hazelnut syrup-yeah who am I kidding)? If you haven't had one, get one, they are amazing! I get out of the car at the garage at work and drop the tea all over me (brand new skirt), down the side of my car, etc. It is everywhere! What a start to the morning! Luckily, no one is here this early in the morning so I was able to take off my skirt, soak it in the bathroom and leave it to dry, but it is just not drying quick enough so I am wearing it and I smell like a wet dog! I am actually going to start working, but I will probably be back. Pictures in the next couple of days and contest next week! Side Note: I will most likely only post during working hours Monday - Friday, I can't even look at a computer when I get home as being on one all day makes me a little psycho.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
As if I didn't see that coming...
You Are the Middle Finger |
![]() A bit fragile and dependent on your friends, you're not nearly as hostile as you seem. You are balanced, easy to get along with, and quite serious. However, you can get angry and fed up with those around you. And you aren't afraid to show it! You get along well with: The Index Finger Stay away from: The Pinky |
Bored at work...playing with sock yarn under my desk...
I am bored at work, as usual! Generally, we are very busy here, however, with the recent slow down in real estate, my job is getting borrrrring. Even more boring than it normally is and let me tell you, it can get boring! Oh well, what can you do? I was thinking about next week's contest and wanted to possibly play guess the dyer of the skein and then win that skein? I have plenty of sock yarn, but would that game be too easy? What do you think?
At work, but not really working...
I was thinking that I might have a contest next week for the premier of my blog. Sounds really stupid, right? No one is going to read this anyway, but what the heck? Maybe if I have a contest, someone might stumble upon my blog and actually get some free sock yarn! That is right! Free sock yarn and not just any sock yarn, some really great sock yarn from my incredibly huge stash! I have so much sock yarn, it is really scary. Anyway, the sock yarn will be from one of the named dyers on my poll at the bottom of my blog. Contest will be next week, so stay tuned! By then, I will have wrangled my husband's camera and taken some pictures of my socks that I am knitting and WIP's, etc. so this blog will be a bit more interesting than just me not working when I should be working!
First post ever!
This is my first post ever! I am so excited to have this blog! Although, I need to get the digital camera away from my husband long enough to take some pictures! I have so much sock yarn and I am working on multiple projects at one time. I will display them and display my sock yarn stash. I will also perhaps have a contest or two, just to keep things interesting and perhaps someone else (beside me) will look at this blog. I will post more later. Can I just knit and make enought money to stop my regular job? Sadly, I don't think so!
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