Oh well, sometimes you need a kick in the ass to realize that you are spending too much money. I love the Yarn Pirate Booty Club, however, it is slashing into my budget. My husband pointed out to me this morning that he is worried that I am spending too much money. He is absolutely right. I have been spending more than I should. I have so much sock yarn it is coming out of my ears, really I have a lot! The booty club is really not that expensive, however, it represents a charge coming out of our account every month on yarn that I don't really need. You yarn girls (and guys) out there know exactly what I am talking about. It would be fine if I just had the booty club and only spend the $30.00 a month, however, I don't stop there. So, in a show of good faith to my husband and to show myself that I have some type of control over my yarn addiction, I have let the booty club go. I had really been thinking about it for a while, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it, but I finally did it! I do actually feel a lot better. As a further show of good faith to myself mostly, I did not renew my membership to the rockin sock club for 2008. See, I was really in too many sock clubs anyway I just was not ready to admit it. Now, on to more pleasant things. I finished my mother in law's socks and they look great, but took way too long so everyone else is getting heart shaped mitered sachels! I also finally got a chance to wear a sweater that I finished some time ago. Our weather has finally dipped down into the 70's, yeah! This is my favorite sweater (yarn is Gedifra chandra and the pattern is slow striping mama). I want to make another one, maybe next year. Check out the birds that I saw this morning on my way to work having fun in a puddle by an intersection. Have a great knitting day, everyone.
Oh how I wish our weather would be 70! How perfect! We are at a cool and frosty 35 deg here! Yikes!
I definitely understand what you are saying. I have so much sock yarn that I really dont need to buy any but the temptation is there with all these gorgeous colorway out there how can I stop? I am already a member of 3 sock clubs and its definitely too much for me because I cant keep up with them all. I think I might cancel one next year (definitely not Jen's!). I figure with the money I save I could still buy some yarn if I like but I can work on knitting the yarn I do have and also using some of these patterns in all the sock books I have! People think they are missing out on something if they dont join but I think I am missing out on a whole lot of awesome patterns that are lying around in books I have because I am concentrating on knitting the pattern that the club sent me even if its one I dont like.
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